Friday, November 23, 2012

Cut paper drawings

I started out trying to "draw" and object using paper. I chose to look at one of those scrubby brushes that you might use in the kitchen.

Then I tried to make a glue stick, which was difficult with all the different colors and shapes on the glue stick.

Once I had the basics of cutting paper to make layers and textures, I made a bathroom scene. I was trying to incorporate some amount if three dimensional images, so I ended out layering paper and making the tissues stand up.

Linoleum Prints

Making prints from a linoleum block. I made an owl design with various patterns to distinguish between parts of the owl. I repeated the diamond design from the wing in the background to create some repetition and make it look like the scene is in the night. I experimented with different colors and kinds of ink as well as colored and textured papers.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

My first attempt at a print

This was the first time I had ever tried a print, so I was just trying out different designs and patterns on styrofoam with a pencil. I had no end result in mind, so I was surprised by how it turned out. I think it looks like a village with the mountains in the back, a river running through it and fields of crops. I also see a group of people and a horse. What do you think it looks like? Do you see something else in it?

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Caravaggio piece

I started out by looking at different Caravaggio pieces and making a decision on which one to recreate. Then I started to plan how I would set up my composition by making small drawings in my sketch book. After I took the picture (using some very helpful and enthusiastic theatre students) I did some planning in my sketchbook again before starting my final piece. I'm using watercolor to do this piece. I'm not quite finished with it yet, but I will post again when I am.


I used charcoal, white paint, and pencil for this one. I looked at one of the pictures from an earlier post called white on white.

Seed drawing

This drawing was done using class time with charcoal and chalk while looking at a seed.

Monday, September 10, 2012

White on White

#1. I like the texture of this image with the straight line of grey in the left. It's interesting how the blurred right edge becomes more clear and then blurry again in the left side.
#2. The corner of the picture is overlapping with another corner, which throws a shadow on the textured wall. I like the color of the upper right hand corner.
#3. The perspective of this one interesting, and it gets blurry in the distance.
#4. I like the tack in the middle of the empty desk in this one and the shadows and light areas of the tack.
#5. The angles of the stairs are neat and the right angle of grey dividing two different shades of white looks nice.
#6. The mouse has so many shadows and reflections (the windows) because of its shape.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

This is the first time I've used a blog, so I'm not really sure how this is going to go. I've already created a post with nothing in it and gotten completely lost on the site. I'm learning.
The blog will help me keep track of my artwork throughout the year so that I can easily go back and look at pieces that I did months before.
 I am in the 11th grade at ISZL, and this is my second year of art here.